Wondering if the dream recording studio exists? Well I think so, and I’m pretty convinced that after watching Billboard’s little report on Mr. Pitt’s studio in Miraval, France you may be convinced too. Many of us know Brad Pitt as an actor, recently, some like me discovered him as a sculptor. It is also difficult to have missed the couple stories of Mr. Pitt and Mrs. Jolie, a glamorous couple if there is one who, unfortunately like many did not hold and ends in tatters. In short, I do not intend to make the press people here, we are on a music blog all the same 😉
This morning at the turn of my tour of new publications on Youtube Videos, I came across a small video presentation (promotion?) of the Miraval recording studio of the same name as the castle that produces the legendary rosé wine of the same name (property for a few years of the Pitt/Jolie couple and which, since their divorce the estate has become exclusive property of Mr. Pitt).
I remember my early “Rock and Folk” years and the many articles that regularly quoted the Miraval studio. This studio created in 1977 by the French Jazzman Jacques Loussier, has seen many artists recorded in this studio (The Pink Floyd group who recorded the mythical “The Wall” or The Cure, Sting, The Cramberries and so on).
The Miraval studio is reborn from the ashes after being closed for nearly 20 years. This is thanks to the collaboration of Brad Pitt and Damien Quintard (a producer, sound engineer, recognized).
A good video to discover here and let me know what you think