Bye Logic Pro, Welcome STUDIO ONE!

New year, new DAW!

After having receiving my new PRS guitar (what a master piece of instrument!), another thing have changed in my home studio set. Here is the history I want to tell you today…

Since almost two years, I used exclusively Apple’s Logic Pro as my DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). I do not pretend that I know at 100% this piece of software but looking around to other products, every day passing using Logic, I felt that other solutions may been way better.

One of the main appreciable advantage of Logic Pro is that you pay one time (around 200 CHF for me) and you are done. No needs to repay every year (subscription) and almost one or two updates per year. One the other side, it is clear that such way, you can’t expect miracles. By miracles I mean awesome new functionalities and other improvements.

Looking what is mostly used by Pro’s, I logically looked at AVID ProTool. what retained me with this DAW is that it appears horribly complicated as first approach. In addition, I founded the proposed price (subscription) extremely expensive if you want the full power of the tool.

Since some weeks, I followed comments, posts, Youtube videos, about Studio One made by the company Presonus which I heard about by the past mostly because of their pretty good hardware assets related to studio recording. I was impressed by the apparent simplicity of usage of the DAW, at least when others users showed the tool. Some months ago, I remember to have installed the demo version of Studio One but at that time, I didn’t had the opportunity to investigate sufficiently the software.

Therefore, you may ask you, but what finally decided you to change from Logic Pro to Studio One? End of 2022, as usual, I started to work a new piece of music. As you maybe already seen here, I’m using a sound station from SSL to connect my assets (Keyboard, Electric Guitar, Microphone etc..) to my computer to record my music. Since the beginning I used Logic, and despite having carefully applied all the tips I found around, I had latency problems with Logic Pro. If you are not familiar with what latency is, it is simply the decay you may have between what you are currently playing/recording and listening on your monitors or in your headphones. This problem is extremely annoying as, when you play, you feel fully in the tempo of what you listen recording but when you playback what you recorded, it sound like if you where totally out of tempo. This time, this was too much for my patience. When I have one idea, I must have a solution that work will the less problem as possible and when I plug my guitar, I want that all work.

Then, I reinstalled a demo version of the newest version of Studio One and, 10 minutes after, I worked with the tool, without any latency!

Luckily, Presonus made a special Christmas offer for their highest subscription plan “Sphere”. For $114 per year, I have the full set of available options. This DAW is just perfect for my usage, the support from the Studio One team is absolutely perfect. Thousand of videos are posted by Presonus SW Specialist giving a lot of tips and usage techniques. I do not regret my choice.

In some days, you will have probably in my 2023 creation page my first demo made with this new DAW. I enjoy by advance to share this with you!


Florian Rod

Webmaster/Musician/Artist name Flowzik


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