A new engine for my home studio!

After starting 2023 by changing my DAW from Logic Pro to Studio One, here is the second change, this time it is the “engine” of my home studio. The engine is, of course, my computer. Even if I admit it, my previous MacBook Pro (M1-Pro processor) was already enough for what I do, I had …
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Bye Logic Pro, Welcome STUDIO ONE!

New year, new DAW! After having receiving my new PRS guitar (what a master piece of instrument!), another thing have changed in my home studio set. Here is the history I want to tell you today… Since almost two years, I used exclusively Apple’s Logic Pro as my DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). I do not pretend that …
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PRS Silver Sky John Mayer Signature (USA)

In 2018, PRS (Paul Reed Smith Guitars), after almost two years of work with the musician John Mayer, issued the John Mayer signature guitar “Silver Sky”. John Mayer was one of the thousands ambassador of the make Fender for years, mainly using the legendary Stratocaster. The one Mayer used was +/-comparable to the SRV model …
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Digital Audio Workstation (DAW), what is the best choice for you?

With the arrival of the new year (2023) for which I wish you full of health and musical pleasure, it is also time to complete one of my first posted article about DAW’s choice for you.For people that don’t know what a digital workstation is. this is a piece of software running on a computer …
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Aston Origin, an affordable hight quality microphone

I had the idea of acquiring a microphone mainly to record voices. I had given myself as a maximum budget the sum of CHF 300.00. Having no preconceived ideas about the brand, it is therefore natural that I turned to commercial sites. The problem when you are looking for something without having a  precise idea or …
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SSL 2+ USB audio interface, a bit of legend on my home studio desk

Since now, when I wanted to record one instrument e.g., my electric guitar, I used either a small piece of hardware connected to my Macbook into which I plugged my instrument or thru my BOSS GT1000-Core multi-effects processor. Recently I decided to buy a microphone but didn’t have anything to connect it to my DAW. …
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What is the dream recording studio?

Wondering if the dream recording studio exists? Well I think so, and I’m pretty convinced that after watching Billboard’s little report on Mr. Pitt’s studio in Miraval, France you may be convinced too. Many of us know Brad Pitt as an actor, recently, some like me discovered him as a sculptor. It is also difficult …
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Steven Slate VSX, the definitive choice?

Like many people, I only play, record, mix my music with  headphones. The main reason is that don’t have a dedicated space for music at home. For a few years now, I have been using different types of headphones. I had for quite a long time an AKG K530 headphones which, although worn down to …
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Satellite’s are not only in space….

Some weeks ago, I discovered an incredible piece of software that appear to be created for musicians in Covid period allowing them to work remotely as if they are in the same recording studio.  “Satellite Plugin” is the name of this masterpiece. In short, this tool allows musicians that are using Digital Audio Workstation’s (e.g., …
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You landed in my music planet and you are very welcome here! I’m not a professional musician nor sound engineer. I was a “sort of those” looooooong time ago but now, just a guy that make music for his pleasure and hopefully your pleasure too. My musical influences are multiple. From The Beatles to U2 …
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